Review BI plans to confirm wheather are you moving in the right direction
Why IBIM™ (Infer Business Intelligence Model)?
Gartner’s 2008 CIO survey highlights that Business Intelligence (BI) is the top priority of CIOs. It is considered that BI can have a direct positive impact on business performance of an enterprise, dramatically improving the ability to accomplish the mission by making smarter decisions at every level of the business from corporate strategy to operational processes.
It is a challenge to design a successful BI enterprise by selecting the right combination of people, processes, and technology. To overcome this challenge, Infer’s IBIM™ will help organizations to build an effective BI strategy, which is driven by business objectives, enables stakeholders with better decision making capabilities and helps enterprise achieve desired goals. IBIM™’s goal is to make your organization, an Intelligent Enterprise.
IBIM™ is one conscious approach, a blending of enterprise resources to deliver a complete, consistent, and reliable source of information to fulfill the promise of Business Intelligence.
IBIM™ ensures the business requirements and enterprise objectives drive the iterations.
IBIM™ helps your organization to understand the factors that influence BI and learn how to design an effective BI strategy.
IBIM™ will gather and document your overall business objectives to help formulate BI vision for the growth of business. After that, IBIM™ works with the key stakeholders to confirm the validity of items on the list and their prioritization. This will ensure that we start building your BI strategy with a proper foundation aligned with your business and with the buy-in from stakeholders.