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Big Data

An in depth knowledge of various technologies enable us to provide an end-to-end solution and services for our customers.

Big Data

An in depth knowledge of various technologies enable us to provide an end-to-end solution and services for our customers.

Big Data Solutions

Our big data consulting and big data software development services enable you to innovate, experiment with new tools, explore new ways of leveraging data, and continuously optimize your big data solutions.

InFER’s big data development services result in customized solutions for different clients ranging from small companies and startups to large enterprises all over the world.

Our cross-functional team of data scientists, big data engineers, and consultants will provide big data consulting and the best big data development services to help you leverage your data and the latest AI technologies for business value and get the most out of your investment.

Big Data Project Initial Analysis

Infer team introduces project check-ups to make sure the development goes right, foresee causes of possible failures and determine ways to get the project off the ground. We do our utmost, and more, to help your business obtain the right technology solution to overcome hurdles to success. Whether your needs to enhance the existing system or implement a new custom solution, we are here to become your trusted partner.

Solution Analysis, road map & Architecture

Whether you want to analyze immense volumes of data, roadmap or process streaming data in real time our data engineers will help you create a big data processing system tailored to your business requirements.

Our big data engineering services will help you build the business-critical applications that can process large streams of live data and provide results in near-real-time.

Customization for client specific big data deliverables

Our team creates end-to-end big data software solutions that take into account the client’s niche peculiarities, nature of business data and processes within an organization.

We keep track of emerging technologies and bring in our domain know-how to deliver leading solutions and help take businesses to a new height.

ETL System Design

Raw data from different sources, when presented in verified and ready-to-use forms, can be managed and processed into real-time business-critical information.

Our team provides ETL system development services. With your business goals and strategies in mind, we are ready to assist you in converting raw data into valuable insights that you can use to derive new business value.

Dynamic data handling solutions

A comprehensive end-to-end solution can help you process raw data and extract value by applying a secure and consistent approach.

Our team is ready to assist you with this task by delivering high-quality solutions to handle your structured and unstructured data.

Business Analytics Reporting

With the help of our querying and reporting services, you will be able to run regular reports, create organized listings and perform cross-tabular reporting and querying.

Data warehouse Architecture

Our team of world-class data engineers will help you design and build a custom Data Warehouse capable of accommodating massive data volumes, new data types, and new data processing workloads.

We can also help you with legacy system retirement, replacing traditional data warehouse with a modern one optimized for today’s requirements in big data, analytics, real-time operation, high-performance, and cost control.

Technical success depends on the development team. Our experts can bring years of experience working with big data engineering and analytics to your company, and ensure the success of your data warehousing architecture.

Implement client specific Data Lake

We assist our clients in implementing data lakes to enhance organizations’ data storage, management, and analytics capabilities.

The usage of data lakes entails the following benefits:

a) Simplifies collecting and storing various types of data, whether structured, semi-structured, or unstructured
b) Feeds both the production BI/DW environment and analytics sandboxes for data analysts and data scientists