Infer team of accountants and financial managers are experts in implementing FASAB, OMB, Treasury, and agency-specific accounting and financial reporting guidance.

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InFER Financial Reporting

InFER Financial Reporting
Infer team of accountants and financial managers are experts in implementing FASAB, OMB, Treasury, and agency-specific accounting and financial reporting guidance.
Infer team has more than 15 years of experience preparing entity financial statements in conformance with the requirements of the Chief Financial Officers (CFO) Act of 1990.
We maintain an active presence in the forefront of Federal financial management, as well as identify and monitor emerging issues and new requirements.
InFER’s approach is to be actively engaged at all levels with our clients, taking a “hands-on” approach to assisting agencies with producing timely, accurate financial information.
InFER financial experts’ team have incorporated following 6 step financial reporting process that defines our well-designed financial reporting structure.
Please find Infer Reporting Methodology attached below